Master of science in mechanical engineering
from the Moscow Aviation Institute, Department of Aircraft Construction, 1989;
testpilot Air Force; was selected as cosmonaut on 23.08.1976 (
OKP (cosmonaut basic training): 23.08.1976 -
30.01.1979; transferred on 25.10.1988 to
GKNII-2 (until 14.02.1996); since 1996 he worked at
the National Academy of Science of Ukraine; while working there he was again
selected as cosmonaut of Ukraine for a Shuttle mission; hobbies: Family time,
running, athletics; since 1998 General of the Ukrainian Air Force, since 1999
advisor for the Ukrainian President in Airforce and Spaceflight affairs; May
14, 2002 until 2006 he was member of the Ukranian parliament, the Verkhovna
Rada, for the People's Democratic Party in the Chernivtsi Region; he served
there as Vice Chairperson in the National Security and Defense Committee.