Education: Graduated on June 21, 2002 from the
Irkutsk Military Aviation Engineering Institute with a degree as "technician"
in "Technical Exercise of Transport Radio-Electronic Equipment",
and on March 15, 2011 from the Moscow Technical University of
Communications and Informatics with an engineering degree in "radio
communication, broadcasting and television".
Experience: From July 2002 to July 2005 he served as technician for REO
AGVP "Swifts" 54876, Novy Gorodok, Odintsovo district, Moscow
region; from July 2005 to November 2009 he worked as an engineer for the
military unit 54876, Novy Gorodok, Odintsovo District, Moskovskaya
Oblast and then until October 2010 for the military unit 45809, also in
Novy Gorodok; still serving in Novy Gorodok he worked then from January
2010 to January 2011 as head of the group of regulations and repairs in
the military unit 45809 and after that as chief of group 62632, with the
military rank of a captain;
06.11.2018 - 24.11.2020.