Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Miles R.


Miles Palmer

Personal data

Birthdate:  ??.??.1953
Birthplace:  Roby, Texas
Marital status:  married
Children:  two
Selection date:  ??.??.1980 / ??.??.1984
Position:  MSP
Status:  Ret. 29.05.1980 / 23.05.1984

Additional information

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Chemistry from MIT; PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of California - San Diego; at the time of his selection assigned at University of California, La Jolla, California; semi finalist in NASA group 9 and 10 selections; currently Co-Founder, Director and Chairman at 8 Rivers Capital, LLC.

Miles Palmer wrote us:
In my interviews in 1984, the then Chief Astronaut John Young pulled me aside and said: "Lt Palmer, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but we're sending all you Air Force guys home. You're young and you can come back."
He then went on to explain that NASA and the Air Force were in a dispute over continued Titan IV production and NASA wanted to send the Air Force a message by sending me and the other Air Force guys back.
That event led me to cease trying to become a NASA astronaut and instead to seek to develop highly affordable new space launch technologies. My path to do that to date has been to first become a billionaire (at 8 Rivers in clean energy technology) and then to develop a radically new form of space launch.


Last update on December 14, 2022.