Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Alvin Swauger


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Personal data

Birthdate:  09.12.1918
Birthplace:  Berkeley, California
Marital status:  divorced
Children:  three
Selection date:  ??.??.1958
Position:  Pilot
Status:  Ret. ??.??.1958
Day of death:  29.04.2006
Place of death:  ?

Additional information

Bachelor of science from the University of California; pilot for North American Aviation (NAA); X-15 pilot (but no flight); selected for the MISS project ("Man In Space Soonest"); it was planned to put a man into space in October 1960; the project was cancelled due of financial and technical problems; since December 1960 chief testpilot of NAA for the XB-70 Valkyrie (first flight on 21.09.1964 with Joe Cotton); the XB-70A crashed on 08.06.1966 following a air collision with a F-104 in Edwards; White was the only surviving (Joe Walker in the F-104 and co-pilot Carl Cross died in the XB-70); in 1967 he left the NAA and worked for 2 years at Trans World Airlines; later he founded his own consultancy firm; three times divorced (children from first and second marriage).


Last update on April 30, 2018.