Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Richard Anthony "Dick"


Personal data

Birthdate:  16.06.1945
Birthplace:  New Bedford, Massachusetts
Marital status:  married
Children:  one
Selection date:  ??.07.1985
Position:  PSP
Status:  Ret. ??.??.1985

Additional information

Semi finalist in the "Teacher in Space Project"; Bachelor of Arts from Providence College; Master of Arts from Bridgewater State College; teacher for English at the New Bedford High School, Massachusetts; worked with NASA in Washington, D.C., for a year-long fellowship about the time of the Challenger explosion; later he began working at the Challenger Center, a memorial institute; after 10 years at the center, he became an independent technology consultant in Fairfax Station, Virginia; later Chairman, LinkAmericas Foundation.


Last update on October 03, 2022.