Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates




Henryk Halka

Personal data

Birthdate:  18.02.1941
Birthplace:  Olchowiec / lubelskie
Marital status:  married
Children:  two
Selection date:  29.10.1978
Position:  Research Cosmonaut (RC)
Status:  Ret. 27.11.1978
Day of death:  12.12.1980
Place of death:  Goleniow near Szczecin

Additional information

Lieutenant Colonel, Air Force (commander of the airforce regiment in Goleniow); was among the last five Polish candidates for a Soyuz mission; first class pilot; master of science from the Aviation Faculty of the General Staff Academy in Warsaw; Ph.D. from the General Staff Academy in Warsaw. 1979; was killed on December 12, 1980 in the crash of a MiG-21 during a training flight.


Last update on December 20, 2018.