Bachelor of science in engineering sciences
USAF Academy, 1976; master of science in mechanical
engineering from Columbia University on a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1977; Air
Command and Staff College, 1985; Air War College, 2001; General,
test pilot; hobbies: Skiing, sailing, softball, running, reading, playing
guitar in a rock and roll band; August 12, 1998 - May 1999, Deputy Director of
Operations, Headquarters Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base,
Colorado; May 13, 1999 - September 2000, Commander, 9
Reconnaissance Wing, Beale Air Force Base, California; 14. October 2000 April
2002, Director of Politico-Military Affairs, Asia-Pacific and Middle East, the
Joint Staff, Washington, D.C.; April 15, 2002 - August 2004, Director of
Programs, Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Headquarters U.S. Air
Force, Washington, D.C.; August 2004 - August 2005 acting Assistant Vice Chief
of Staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.; August 2005 - June
2006 Commander, 8th Air Force, Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana; from June
26, 2006 to October 2007 Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force
Base, Colorado; since then he is the leader of the U.S. Strategic Command
(STRATCOM), Offutt
AFB, Nebraska.