Bachelor of science in aerospace engineering
from Pennsylvania State University, 1964; master of science in aerospace
engineering from Air Force Institute of Technology, 1974;
Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from Air Force
Institute of Technology, 1978; master of business administration from the
University of Houston, Clear Lake, 1987; 11 honorary doctorate degrees from
various universities; Colonel,
he flew 144 combat missions, including 65 over North Vietnam; test pilot at
AFB; hobbies: Reading, swimming, jogging, raquetball,
handball, scuba; in 1993 he retired from
NASA to serve as General Manager of Engineering
Services Division with NYMA, Inc. in Greenbelt, Maryland. In May 1997, he
became Vice President of the Aerospace Sector of Federal Data Corporation and
in October 2000, he was appointed Vice President of Microgravity R&D and
Operations for the Northrop Grumman Corporation. In September 2002, he became
President of the Aerospace Technology Group, an engineering consulting
organization based in Cleveland, Ohio.